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 Attending fellowship regularly has numerous benefits.


Acts 2:41-47; Acts 4:32-37; 1John 1:1-10.


"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more as you see the day approaching." Heb. 10:25.


Fellowship in the context above is a feeling of friendship between people who do things together or share an interest. It is also an organized group of people who share an interest, aim or belief. The word fellowship is rendered in Greek (koinonia) and it means; partnership, participation, intercourse, and communion.

Christians as an organized group of people who share an interest, aim and belief should meet from time to time to have fellowship together. The fellowship of Christians together is very important, because it is in our unity together that believers are encouraged and grow in Christ (Rom. 1:11, 12). It is also in fellowship that the world comes to know that Jesus was sent by God (John 17:22, 23). Our fellowship is with God the father and with the son, Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3).


1. FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD: Gen. 3:8-13; 1John 1:1-10.

2. FELLOWSHIP WITH ONE ANOTHER: Acts 2:41-47;4:32-37.

1. FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD: Gen. 3:8-13:

1John 1:1-10 God has always desired to have fellowship with man. Right from the time of creation, when God created Adam and Eve and put them in the garden of Eden, God would always come down in the cool of the evening to have fellowship with them (Gen. 3:8-13). But when Adam and Eve sinned against God, they hid themselves to avoid the fellowship because they now lacked the boldness to stand at the presence of God.

Fellowship with God is very sweet, especially when we take our time to walk in the light of His word (1 John 1:1-10). Sin destroys fellowship and must be avoided (1John 1:6-9). David in his days longed for this fellowship with God when he said: "I was happy when they said, let us go to the house of God" (Psalm 122:1). Just read other comments made by David about the house of God (Psalm 26:8; 65:4; 69:9; 92:13).


Acts 2:41-47, 4:32-37. Fellowship with one another help to see and feel what God is doing in the lives of our fellow Christians. When we see, we are encouraged and are inspired to go higher as 'Iron sharpens iron' (Prov. 27:17). We learn from others and are challenged by others. 

The more we fellowship together, the more we understand one another better and stronger the tie of relationship among us. Thus we learn to help one another. At fellowship we hear the word of God which keeps us pure and holy (John 17:17). Constant fellowship helps us to cultivate good or positive habits such as love, peace, joy, and care for one another as well as friendship. It also provides opportunity for prayers, healing and other miracles. In the first century church, the disciples were excited about their new found faith in Christ and continued in the Apostles' doctrine (teaching) and fellowshipped steadfastly (without drawing back), breaking of bread and prayers. The result was that fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles. They had things in common, their fellowship was on daily basis and they went from house to house breaking bread and God added souls such as were to be saved, to the church on daily basis (Acts 2:41-47). Are we steadfast? Read also Acts 4:32-37. 

The Bible instructs us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some people is (Heb. 10:25). When we keep away from fellowship, our old nature of sin gradually begin to return and we begin to do again the things we rejected (2 Peter 2:22). This is backsliding!


We come to fellowship to meet with God (1John 1:3) and to meet with one another. The more we meet with God, the more we are transfigured to look like Him in purity and holiness, in power and glory and the more our needs are met. The more we meet with one another, the more we know ourselves better, the friendlier we are with one another, and the more committed we are to one another. Thus, the more we share our burdens and our possessions together. Should we keep away from fellowship such as this?


1. In what two areas do we have fellowship?

2. Mention two advantages of fellowship with one another?

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