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AIM: God deserves to be worshipped with the whole of our strength, thought and being in all sincerity and reverence.

TEXT: John 4:21-24.


"God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth". John 4:24.


Worship is the act of paying deep respect or great admiration and respect to God. Spirit is a supernatural, often, invisible being. Truth is reality, the true facts about something.

The Jews in the olden days used to worship God on the mountains and hills. Later, they worshipped in tents. All these happened while they were moving to the Promised Land. 

When they reached the Promised Land and had a more settled life, they began to build temples and synagogues. The worship of God shifted to temples and synagogues (John 4:20).

But Jesus said that a time would come when true worshippers would neither need to go to the mountains nor to the temples to meet with God (John 4:21). Rather, they will become God carriers and will worship God not for a show (or hypocritically) but can go to the inner closet, lock up their doors and pray to their God who is omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent, a supernatural being who sees in secret and can reward openly (Matthew 6:6).


1. WORSHIP IN SPIRIT: John 4:23. 2. IN TRUTH: John 4:24.

1. WORSHIP IN SPIRIT: John 4:23.

The phrase: "In Spirit" points to the level at which true worship occurs. A worshipper must come to God in complete sincerity and with a spirit that is directed by the life and activity of the Holy Spirit.

"Truth" is one of the characteristics of God (Psalm 31:5; Rom. 1:25) as seen in the life of Christ (John 14:6; 2Cor. 11:10) and also in the Holy Spirit (John 14:17; 15:26). The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth. Truth is also at the heart of the gospel (John 8:32; Gal. 2:5). Therefore, worship must take place according to the truth of the father that is revealed in the Son and received through the Holy Spirit. Those who advocate worship that sets aside the truth and doctrines of the word of God have actually set aside the only foundation for true worship.

In Christian worship we draw near to God with joy and gratitude for what He has done for us in Christ and through the Holy Spirit, expressing faith, love and devotion from our hearts. True worship is based on the word of God.

2. IN TRUTH: John 4:24. 

God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Because Jesus Christ is the truth (John 1:14; John 14:6) to live in union with Christ requires telling the truth (1Cor. 5:8; Eph. 4:25). For one to claim having fellowship with Christ and to have salvation and yet not to live and speak according to the truth is to be deceived (1 John 1:6). Those who have no truth in them show the real condition of their hearts (John 8:44; Acts 5:3). Without truth we remain in deception and darkness and are thus, outside the Kingdom of Heaven (Rev. 21:8, 27). Every liar is of the synagogue of satan" (Revelation 3:9).


In worship, there should be no pretence, no hypocrisy; no I faking of any kind-shaking, falling, tongues etc, except if the Holy Spirit actually moves you to do so. There must be complete sincerity. Always be yourself.


1. Attempt to explain worship in Spirit?

 2. And in truth?

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