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Published from Blogger Prime Android App- THE GREAT COMMISSION MANDATE: A MANDATE TO THE CHURCH .. MATT 28:19


To lay the Emphasis that in Christ Jesus, Evangelism is a Great Task for every Believer.


A commission is an official charge or authority to do something It is sending someone or a group of persons to do or accomplish an assignment. It is an official charge or authority to do something The Church as a body or group of people who has one faith in Christ is divinely tasked with carrying out a particular function(s). Towards the cessation days of Christ on earth and before His Ascension, He handed over a particular task to His Disciples to accomplish which, by faith, has been transferred to all who believe in the redemptive work of Christ.

What is This Great Commission: To help us understand this commission let us x-ray the book of Matt 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost." The Ingredients of this Great Commission are summarily as follows:

"Go ye" - The words with emphasis shows that there is a charge, command, or instruction made by Christ to all his Children or Disciples to accomplish. The Church has the mandate to carry out this instruction without laxity and disobedience. She must needs to go out to win souls for Christ since it is a mandate requiring compliance and total obedience. You are commanded To Go. You must Go; no other. You have been elected and charged with a duty. You must do it Negligence carries serious consequences, do your best to avoid them.

#Teach All Nations": This means that the good news of Christ should be taught all men, women, youths and children in different nations. The message of salvation and Christ's redemptive work should be a task that every Christian should embark upon, especially the body of Christ which is the "Church in fulfilment of this commission:

Why should this task (commission) be tagged with the word Great? The Commission given to the Church to preach Christ to all nations is a great task because the teaching produces the power of God unto salvation" (see Rom. 1:16). All teachers ought to be taught in order to be able to teach others likewise There is no need to be ashamed of this task because one should be proud of one's mandate, let alone a divine mandate with promises of eternal Joy and blessings.

A Mandate To The Church: Christ has instructed the Church to go, teach and baptize all who believe in Him. The harvest is plenteous but the labourers are few. We must be part of the labourers. One of the reasons the Church should carry out this Great Commission is that false prophets have arisen to deceive many (See Matt 24:11 and 24). We should to that extent endeavour to work to save them and show them the true way to God. The End is at hand. The hour is unknown (Malt 24:36, 44) Untold activities of this world have driven people very far away from God (See Matt 24:37-39) Although where sin exists, Grace abounds but we shall not remain in sin and let Grace continue to abound (Rom. 5:20. 6:1). It will not be to our credit. We know the Truth and if we practise it, the Truth shall set us free indeed (Jhn, 8:32). We should reform our tongues and hearts; be filled with the Word of Life and resolve to be true Gospellers and go ahead with it. That is the climax of our life activities on earth. Be strong in reality.


The Great Commission is a divine task given to the Church to execute and failure to do so, shows that we, (becoming Church pretenders), do not love Christ at all. Christ said, "If you love me, keep my words" (Jhn.14:23). When we carry out this mandate aimed at winning souls for Christ, Gods love dwells in us manifesting the power of the Almighty through us for His Glory and our Joy. Amen.

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