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Only true relationship with Jesus Christ makes us real sons of God.


1Jn. 3:1-10; Gal. 3:26, 27; Acts 17:24-32.


"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his name", John 1:12.


esus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father, but by me John 14:4. Apostle Paul in (Heb. 2:10) made it clear, "for it became him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons into glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering". If you must be accepted into God's family, you must be accepted through Jesus Christ. He is the bringer of the sons unto God. He paid with His precious blood on the cross. No one determines his/her position in God's family. God knows those who are His. Our Saviour made it clear in the kingdom (Matt 7:21). As the true shepherd, He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. He calls them by name and they follow Him.


1. ALL THINGS BELONG TO GOD: Acts 17:24-32: 1Jn 3:1-10 

2. JOIN THE LEAGUE OF GOD'S SONS; Rom. 8:28-31; Gal. 3:26, 27.

1. ALL THINGS BELONG TO GOD: Acts 17:24-32, 1Jn 3:1-10 

All things and humans belong to God by creation. He cares for them all. Every man lives by the breath of God Almighty It does not matter what you do or have, God provides for all Nevertheless His goodness is intended to lead us to reperitance (Rom. 2:4). Repentance has been the first step to belong to God as a son Jesus, John the Baptist, Apostles Peter and Paul and other apostles preached the gospel of repentance for entry into God's kingdom (family)

(Matt. 4:17; 3:2; Acts 2:38, 17:30, Mk. 6:12). Majority of people in the world today think and claim that they are children of God, simply because, they attend one denomination or the other, bear Christian name, read the Bible or because they can give to others etc. As good as these are; they don't determine sonship in God's family. That you are alive, healthy, wealthy etc is not a criterion to claim sonship in God. Paul warmed us, not to take the grace of God in vain (2Cor. 6:1). Apostle Peter advised us to give diligence to make our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10). God has a book-the book of life where names of all the sons He has received are recorded, anyone not found in that book is cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:12,15). Please, are you sure your name is in that book?

2. JOIN THE LEAGUE OF GOD'S SONS: Rom. 8:28-31; Gal. 3:26, 27.

From Apostle John's epistle (1Jn. 3:1); it is a great privilege to be called a son of God. Every believer should strive to be accounted as one of God's sons. If you want God to recognize you as His son:

*Make sure you are born again. Receive Jesus Christ your Lord and personal saviour (John 1:12, 3:3).
*Be filled with and be led by God's Holy Spirit
(Rom. 8:9, 14). 
*Follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ (1Jn. 2:21.
Heb. 12:2).

*Go to work for your father (Matt 21:28-31 Jn.9:4) 
*Keep yourself always pure and be a peacemaker
(Matt. 5:8, 9). 
*Stop sinning (1Jn, 3:4-10).

*Seek those things which are above (Col. 3:12), set affections on things above and not things on the earth.
*Love God and fellow humans (1Jn.4:21).
*Must be fruitful-soul wining (John 15:16) 
*Be prepared to represent Christ (2Cor. 5:17-20) 
*They endure hardness and accommodate divine chastisement (2 Tim. 2:3; Heb. 12:5-11) 
*Patiently waiting for the coming of the Lord (2Thes. 3:5 Jam. 5:8).

*Have names written in the book of life (Rev. 21:27) 
*They do not draw back but persevere to the end (Matt 24:13; Heb. 10:38-39).


Jesus declared, "All power is given unto me in heaven, and in earth", includes giving the right to become a legitimate (son) of God. Salvation is in no other than the Saviour (Jesus Christ), To receive the power to become a son of God, one must accept (receive) Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, obey and follow Him all through this earthly journey. Do not pretend, do not assume, you must know that you are God's son (1Jn. 5:13). The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are His Does God know you as His?


1. God created all things, but not all human belong to Him:
2. What does it require to be recognized by God as a son? 
3. How do we receive sonship right?

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