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TEXT: 2 Sam 6:20-23; Esther 2:1-4; Isaiah 7:14.

MEMORY VERSE: Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting-Psalm 139:23-24.


There are promises and blessings that litter the entire scriptures, but are not manifested in life unless attracted by deliberate positioning of oneself. Our actions and inactions can be a reason for our blessing. Once a man meets a condition for God's blessing, it rains on the man. Our actions can invoke the opposite of blessings (Curses) on us if we take God, His word, His work, and His servants for granted. It is freely given to man to make his choice. Life is governed by choices. The choice you make today will determine your altitude. Men can determine where they stand with God by how they carefully position themselves for God's eyes to see them. It is also tragic to position yourself for the opposite and attract curses to yourself instead of blessings. In today's study, we shall look at what to do and what to avoid if one must position himself for the blessings of God.




*BE COUNTED: Esther 2:1-4; Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:26-30 

The greatest way to position yourself for blessing is to make sure you qualify to be counted. Except you are counted, you are ab-initio disqualified from the ones qualified to be blessed. The prophet Isaiah began to prophecy about the virgin birth of Jesus in Isaiah 7:14. A woman was predicted to be the vehicle of this historic happening. A human was about to be blessed, but a condition was to be met for this human to qualify. The woman must be a virgin, so on that day, virginity, purity, fidelity and sacredness became a position to find a man that must be so blessed. It was not God who chose those to be virgins, but the virgins already positioned themselves. Mary put herself in a state that matches prophecy (Virginity, purity, fidelity, sacredness). On the arrival of the Angel Gabriel, all the ladies in Israel and Judah who were not virgins already has placed themselves out of position. They already put themselves outside the pitch were the game was being played. Who do we blame? The conditions were announced in advance by prophet Isaiah.

In the day Queen Vashti disobeyed the king and was replaced, a call was made for the gathering of the Virgin daughters of the Land from where a queen was to be selected. All who were not virgins of coursed pre- disqualified themselves. Esther was eminently counted among the virgins.

*BE IN THE SPIRIT (2 Sam 6:20-23; 2Kings 4:8-16) 

One great way to be positioned for blessing is to live in the spirit. Michal the wife of David could not perceive that the Prophet King (David) was on a high spirit having danced before the Lord and was home to bless his household (25am 6: 20) it was a day of blessing but arrogant Michal could not perceive it. On this day of blessing was when she walked into curses by carnality (2 Sam 6:23). You must be in the spirit to perceive historic moments of blessing from our fathers, pastors and prophets and make use of it and not attract the opposite. The man who is so empowered to bless carries on him the powers to reverse blessing to curses. The Shunammite woman in 2kings 4: 8-16 was in the spirit and so could perceive (2kings 4: 9) and that caused her to take positive actions that positioned her for the blessings.


There are many odds against positioning yourself for blessings. The Psalmist captured them early in the Psalms 1:1 when he warned against these odds.

1. Walking in the counsel of the ungodly

2. Standing in the way of sinners 

3. Sitting in the seat of the scornful 

To be positioned for God's blessings and be planted by the tributaries of rivers with all manners ci supplies and fruit bearing, one must avoid the odds against blessings. Michal had variously received the wrong counsel from women of 'class' who considered it shameful to dance before the Lord. Her pride was more important than the glory of God and so she could scom the servant of the Lord even the King. Believers should be very mindful of their actions and verify it doesn't set them against the Lord or His anointed.


Every believer should make concerted effort to place themselves at the right positions for God's blessing. Men are not blessed by chance. There are sacrifices and living styles that attract God to your direction. The vultures gather where there is carcass (Matt 24:28). Life is not designed to be propelled by chance but by deliberate acts that generate spiritual energy. Be like Mary, be like the shunammite woman. be like Esther. Do not exist, start living.


1:What and who closed Michal's womb? 

2 How can you attract God to your direction?

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