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The Murder Of Ishboshet
AIM: Man's blood will definitely be required from the hand that shed it.

TEXT: 2Sam. 4:1-12


Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man- Gen, 9:6.


Ishbosheth means man of shame or man of humiliation; he was the youngest of Saul's four sons, and the only one who survived him (2 Sam. 2-4). His name was originally Eshbaal (1 Chron. 8:33; 9:39). He was about forty years of age when his father and three brothers fell at the battle of Gilboa. Through the influence of Abner, Saul's cousin, and his army general; Ish-bosheth was acknowledged as successor to the throne of Saul, and ruled over all Israel, except the tribe of Judah where David was king. After a troubled and uncertain reign he was murdered by his guard, who stabbed him while he was asleep on his couch at mid-day (2 Sam. 4:5-7); and having cut off his head, presented it to David, who sternly rebuked them for this cold-blooded murder, and ordered them to be immediately executed (9-12).


2Sam. 4:1; Prov. 17:11.


1. COURAGE FAILS WHEN WE IGNORE GOD: 2Sam. 4:1; Prov. 17:11.

Undoubtedly, Ish-bosheth was aware of what Abner was doing when he went to talk with King David. It is believable that Ish-bosheth was anxiously waiting for the news of Abner's meeting with David. But, he was surprised to hear that Abner had been killed. 2Sam, 4:1 says, "When Ish- bosheth, Saul's son, heard that Abner had died at Hebron, his courage failed, and all Israel was dismayed."

Ish-bosheth had been ignoring God for years. He had been living against God's revealed will. He had been living in rebellion against God (Prov. 17:11). Abner had propped Ish- bosheth up and kept him in power. Abner was his great support, not God and he depended on Abner. So, news of Abner's death caused Ish-bosheth's courage to fail. And not only Ish-bosheth, but all Israel was dismayed. Courage fails when we ignore God. Difficulties or trials or tragedies come into our lives, and when the ones upon whom we might have been depending on for help and strength are gone, we become dismayed. But when we trust in the Lord, courage is usually rekindled (Psalm 37:3; 118:8). Ish-bosheth knew that God had chosen David to be the next king over Israel. So, by not acknowledging David's kingship when his father Saul died, Ish-bosheth was living in open disobedience and rebellion against God (Ezra 4:19). Do not disregard God. Do not live as if He is not supreme over all things. Commit your life to Him so that, regardless of your circumstances, you need not be discouraged.


2Sam 4:10-12.

Two brothers expected to be praised by the king for killing Ish-boshet; but they were wrong. Indeed, they had killed "a righteous man in his own house on his bed" (2Sam. 4:11).

For that reason, "David commanded his young men, and they killed them and cut off their hands and feet and hanged them beside the pool at Hebron (Rev. 13:10). But they took the head of Ish-bosheth and buried it in the tomb of Abner at Hebron." The most significant feature of their punishment is that they were hanged.

David was aware of (Deut 12:23), which says that "a man killed by hanging is cursed by God" God's judgment rests on sinners; the hanging of the two brothers was a vivid image of this truth.

God's judgment will fall on us unless we turn to Jesus and acknowledge that He allowed God's judgment to fall on Him, because of us. Have you asked Jesus into your life yet?


Therefore, having analyzed the incident of Ish-basheth's Th assassination in (2Sam. 4:1-12), let us seek to advance God's kingdom through faithfulness, not injustice; do not take laws into your hands, no matter the situation, do not lean on your own understanding (Prov, 3:5; Jer. 17.5).


1. Why did Ish-boshet's courage fail?

2. What are the consequences of taking laws into our hands?

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