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That we may learn to dress appropriately, as befitting saints.

TEXT: Zech. 3:1-7; Luke 15:22.


"Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering " Colossians 3:12.


The he word 'Dress' means covering, adornment, or appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time. The word 'success' simply means favourable or desired outcome.

Your appearance speaks of who you are; it is an indicator of what you possess. Your appearance showcases the type of person you carry within you; it announces your worth or value and your family background, and it is a pointer to who you will become.

Dressing is so important that humanity is ashamed without it (Gen. 2:25 & 3: 10), and it is spiritual that God clothed Himself with glory and designed the first clothe for humanity (Gen. 3:21)

Many Christians (male & female) are known for their improper dressing and the earlier we correct ourselves, the better for us.


1. IMPROPER DRESSING: 2Sam, 13:18; Prov. 7:10.

2. DRESSING FOR SUCCESS: Philip. 3: 17-21; 1Thess. 4:4, 5.

1. IMPROPER DRESSING: 2Sam, 13:18; Prov. 7:10.

Dressing is for different purposes, they are worn by different people with different mindsets. There are clothes for kings Daughters (2Sam., 13:18); Prostitutes (Prov, 7:10), Royals (Matt. 11:8); Prisoners (2Kings 25:29; Jer. 52:33); Wedding clothing (Matt. 22:11); Widows' garment (Gen. 38:14) etc. Improper dressing is especially manifest in the following ways:

A) Unkempt or bushy hairs and beards
B) Overgrown toe/finger and/or dirty nails.

C) Unevenness between cosmetics, clothes and the shoes.

D) Colour imbalance (colour riot) 

E) Sagging of the waist line to the buttocks for whatever

F) Low necklines that reveal too much, and high helm
lines, that hides too little.

G) Much application of make-ups (2Kings 9:30). h) 

H) Tight clothes that emphasizes every contour. 

I) Displaying your body in such a way that makes people
gawk at you.

A temple is the abode of deities, and your body is a temple, therefore, it goes, that your dressing testifies of the very deity that inhabits you. Dress, paints (interprets) the person that wears it (Gen. 38:13-15)

2. DRESSING FOR SUCCESS: Philippians. 3: 17-21;

1Thess. 4:4, 5.

Dressing is an important aspect of packaging. The bible calls for decency in clothing, not sparse or suggestive type. The scripture instructs that we dress sensibly, without extravagant hairdos and so much so. The bible and today's success experts are in effect saying: "Dress decently and sensibly so that people will not look at you as a sex object or a showoff but can focus on who you are and what you are able to do.

Clothing can send signals, so it is important to send the right signals. Everyone has a desire which he/she is desperately waiting to see manifest in his/her life time. Suffice it to say that your dressing is among a few things that are connected to your success. 

This means that improper dressing can limit your chances for a life changing opportunity (Zech 3:1.3).

A detailed dress code is not given in the scriptures but God does not require women to hide behind vails, or to look too plain God did not order men to wear suit and tie at all times; in God's eyes character matters more than clothing (1Sam 16.7). It is more important for our men and women to dress in good deeds than in a special type of dress. However, dressing modestly according to the scripture is needful.

Your dressing determines who you attract To maintain godly balance, and towards success, the following guidelines will be helpful and necessary.

A) Dress to cover your nakedness (Gen. 3:7-21; Ex 32.25).

B) Dress to establish how you should be recognized and addressed as a child of God (Gen. 42:8; Ex. 2:17-19; Prov. 7:10).

C) Dress to reflect the dignity and glory of God, who you represent (Ex. 28:2, 2Cor. 6:3-4).

D) Dress to radiate Godly excellence in your present purpose, career and mission (1 Cor. 7:31,0:19-27) 

E) Dress to portray an example and testimony of your expected future (Philip. 3: 17-21; 1Thess. 4:4, 5).

F) Dress to uphold your Christian testimony before sinners and believers alike (Philip. 2:15, 1 Tim. 4:12)

Christianity is not necessarily glamour but humility is not shabbiness either. Let your purpose and priorities in life shape your attractions and pursuits.

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In your dressing, do not let your past contaminate your present or terminate your future. Imagine a king's child dressing in the most horrible way. What sort of clothing do you wear? What impact does your appearance have on others? Does your appearance preach the message of Christ? You Dress for Success when your dress is speaking more Christianity than your mouth. To dress for success starts with your heart; you have to dress yourself with Christ (Col. 3:12- 14). Dress in this way, and you will truly be a success. Balance and Moderation substantiates maturity.


1. What is dressing for success?

2. Does modesty matter?

3. What exactly is the dress code that God established?

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