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Published from Blogger Prime Android AppTHE TIME TO BE CAREFUL

AIM: If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you do not fall.

TEXT: 2Sam. 7:1-3.

MEMORY VERSE: According to their pasture, so were they filled; they were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten me-Hosea 13:6.


When we spend our time of retirement and rest in reviewing the goodness of God, and in devising plans for the promotion of His kingdom, it will definitely result to more benefits, to us, to our children, and everything that concerns us.

David considered the magnificence of his own house (2Sam. 7:2), and compared it with where the ark of the Lord is placed (the ark dwells within curtains), and considered it inappropriate, that he:hould dwell in a palace and the ark in a tent. David remained uncomfortable till he thought out a befitting place for the ark (Psalms 132:4, 5), and now he is uneasy till he finds out a better place. Grateful souls never think they can do enough for God; they cannot be quiet in their own ceiled houses while worshipping in the church of God which is sited inside a deplorable structure. There are some of us who stretch themselves upon beds of ivory, and were not grieved for the affliction of Joseph (Amos 6:4, 6); they may sing David's music, but they are without David's spirit.

One must be careful not to be consumed by the rest that God gave him to the extent of forgetting God; a time of rest is sometimes a time to be very careful (Deut. 8:11).


1. GOD GAVE DAVID REST: Deut. 32:15; 2Sam. 7:1. 

2. A TIME TO BE CAREFUL: Deut. 8:11-18; Hosea 2:8, 9.

1. GOD GAVE DAVID REST: Deut. 32:15; 2Sam. 7:1. 

David sat in his house (2Sam. 7:1), quiet and undisturbed, having no reason for locating battle fields. The Lord had given him rest round about, from all those that were enemies, and he set himself to enjoy that rest. David being at rest in his palace, considered how he might best employ his leisure, energy, life and prosperity for the service of God. He formed a design to build a temple for the ark.

Like Nathan did, we should encourage people to engage their leisure and retirement period into the service of God.

Nathan supported David's good intention not as a prophet, but as a pious man who would love to see the beauty of a believer's input to the kingdom. How different were the thoughts of King David when he sat in his palace from that of Nebuchadnezzar when he walked in his own palace (Dan. 4:29, 30). 

As we have opportunity, let us forward a good work; because if we do not, it shows we are ingrates (Deut. 28.47,48,32:15:2Tim. 3:2).

2. A TIME TO BE CAREFUL: Deut. 8:11-18; Hosea 2:8, 9.

There are three vital parts in every battle, and while the easiest one is sometimes the fight itself, the difficult point is the period of indecisiveness, right before the battle. whether to stand and fight or run away. This part could be called the battle between faith and fear, between cowardice and boldness.

However, by far the most dangerous period is the period after the battle. The time to be careful is after you have reached your goals and you are celebrating your victories. At this period, you need to be careful for things like overconfidence, dull reactions, and imperfect judgments. Remember King David's story?

"In the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle, David remained at Jerusalem. Then it happened that he saw a woman bathing. David sent messengers, and took her" (2Sam. 11:1-2, 4).

King David became complacent because of the rest he enjoyed (2Sam. 7:1); he chose to stay home rather than go to battle. Maybe his impressive record of successes made him soft, or maybe he got careless, or arrogant? Do not fall prey to the perils of past victories. When you are Hungry Restful, Angry, Lonely, or Tired, you are in a vulnerable
place and need to be extra careful. Resting on your laurels is synonymous with flirting with disaster. Trouble awaits the man or woman who dwells in the comfortable land of accomplished dreams.


As believers, when we employ our time of rest and Aretirement counting the blessings and goodness of God we enjoy, we would certainly be moved into devising plans to work for the promotion of the kingdom, and when we do, many benefits may be expected to result from it, affecting every member of our family..

Nevertheless, we should be careful when things are easy with us: when we have peace on every side; when we have nothing bordering us. The idle mind is most times, a ready tool, as well as a workshop for the devil.


1. What is the very time to be careful? 

2. How did David, spend his rest?

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