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 Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel..." (Gen.49:4a).

"Hey! Come see this dreamer coming", said one of the sons of Jacob. "Yes, it is the dreamer", said another. Then, they conspired together and said, "Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, some evil beast hath devoured him; and we shall see what will become of his dreams" (Genesis 37:20). "Ah!, let us not kill him, but let us cast him into the pit that we shed no blood", said Reuben the firstborn in a weak voice, wishing to liberate Joseph from their hands later. But while he was away to the field, Joseph was sold into Egypt. What a weak, wishful thinker Reuben was? The father while dying got the correct description of his personality, "Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel".

Reuben truly represents the character of a wishful thinker and a wishy-washy personality. He could not take a firm decision. He was a victim of circumstances. He could not think for himself or take decision that will be followed to a logical end. Even when he wished to do something worthwhile, he did not have a will power to accomplish it. He was weak in character and conduct and could only desire what is good. He had no strength to pursue his good desires because he always perceived obstacles as impossible hurdles on his way of achievement. His weakness made him to lose the blessings of his birthright. He became the great grand father of the wishful, wishy-washy youths. Hope you are not a descendant of Reuben?. Youths from his family do not do home assignments, and cannot stand by their promises. They are usually unstable. They are easily distracted from pursuing their success goals. When they plan to read and prepare for their examinations, some unforeseen exercises will creep in and shift their focus. They are not reliable and not dependable. Their weak nature makes them to easily give in to complacency. They always wish to excel but cannot. They are wishful thinkers and wishy- washy students.

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